About Us


History is a combination of facts, interpretations, stories, and individual versions of truth that explains and records past events but can be very one-sided. One version of history can contrast dramatically with another and any enquiry into our past can only be based upon the evidence available to us. But what about the untold stories, what about the people who have not been acknowledged or recognised in our history books?


The Gallery of Living History (GoLH) seeks to encourage participants and communities to revisit our history and the stories of the forgotten, overlooked or ignored, and those who have not been fairly represented, and to help people gain confidence about their own identity. 


It is focused on creating an inspirational destination that is a space for positive thinking, respectful debate and education about the content, context, and nature of histories. The focus is on innovative storytelling using new and emerging technologies and media forms. Our projects focus on offering evolving perspectives on historical events and people to transform engagements with these histories and create spaces in which communities can better interact with past events.


Starting in Coventry and the West Midlands, the launch of the Gallery of Living History took place as part of and was initiated during the year of Coventry as City of Culture 2021. The Gallery of Living History is a charity and has been entered onto the Register of Charities with the Registered Charity Number 1206916.


In time, the GoLH will extend to other cities nationally and beyond to tell the stories of the untold and the unsung; to discover and celebrate their local heroes; and setting history into context for communities and new generations.


 The GoLH will explore these themes in a multitude of ways, including:

  • A multimedia interactive statue and sculpture park and destination

  • Immersive exhibitions, installations, and live performances

  • Film screenings/Talks

  • An education laboratory

  • Seminars/Webinars

  • Augmented Reality tours and guides

  • Digital multi-channel (VR and IRL) access to historical archives

What we are creating:

  • A platform for the future of history

  • Accessible digitally and physically

  • Extensive talent and capability developed, supported, and enabled through the partnership of Coventry University, a world-class university, and Imaginarium Studios