Noorzaman Rashid
Judge for the Schools’ Competition 2023-2024
Noorzaman Rashid is Chief Executive of CEME, a science and business campus for emerging greentech, engineering and manufacturing businesses.
He is currently focussed on bringing a £29m Hydrogen Living Lab to CEME part of one of the largest regeneration programmes in Europe.
An award-winning CEO and business leader he studied design and technology and then operational research.
Committed to social inclusion and tackling inequality he has spent much of his life supporting charities to improve wellbeing and prosperity for the most disadvantaged. He was chair of the Foundation for Social Improvement which had over 8,000 small charity members and Play Action International who have built hundreds of playgrounds for children in East Africa.
In 2007 he created one of the first Multi Academy Trusts supporting 30 schools in some of the most challenged areas in England.